Polymerase chain reaction related questions

Alexander FomenkovMarina Goryunova

4 articles in this category / Updated 4 days ago

Written by 3 authors

Quantitative real-time PCR with dsGreen?
Quantitative real-time PCR with dsGreen?

Advantages of using dsGreen dye in qPCR and comparison with other fluorescent dyes: EvaGreen® dye and TaqMan® probes

Updated 4 days ago

How to use passive PCR reference dye?
How to use passive PCR reference dye?

This is a short description of the best practice to use ROX ref. dye in PCR experiments

Updated 1 month ago

Oligonucleotides delivered! What's next?
Oligonucleotides delivered! What's next?

Here, we describe how to prepare stock solutions of Lumiprobe's oligonucleotides

Updated 1 month ago

Are there any differences between probes containing 5-JOE and 6-JOE isomers in probe-based qPCR?
Are there any differences between probes containing 5-JOE and 6-JOE isomers in probe-based qPCR?

qPCR performed with probes containing either 5- or 6-isomer of JOE has shown no significant differences between isomers

Updated 2 months ago