BDP® 650/665 azide

Cat. # Quantity Price Lead time
18430 1 mg $125 in stock
28430 5 mg $260 in stock
38430 10 mg $325 in stock
48430 25 mg $510 in stock
58430 50 mg $895 in stock
68430 100 mg please inquire in stock
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BDP 650/665 is a bright red-emitting borondipyrromethene dye compatible with the Cy5 channel found on many instruments. This is an azide derivative of BDP 650/665. It can be conjugated with terminal alkynes via copper-catalyzed reaction or with cycloalkynes via copper-free click chemistry.

BDP 650/665 azide can be conjugated with various terminal alkynes using copper-catalyzed click chemistry or cycloalkynes using a copper-free reaction.

Absorption and emission spectra of BDP 650/665

Absorption and emission spectra of BDP 650/665

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General properties

Appearance: dark colored solid
Molecular weight: 515.32
Molecular formula: C26H24N7BF2O2
Solubility: good in DMF, DMSO, low in water
Quality control: NMR 1H, HPLC-MS (95%)
MSDS: Download
Product specifications

Spectral properties

Excitation/absorption maximum, nm: 649
ε, L⋅mol−1⋅cm−1: 94000
Emission maximum, nm: 667
Fluorescence quantum yield: 0.52
CF260: 0.04
CF280: 0.04
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